NIST is a non-regulatory Federal agency that is responsible for establishing guidelines which apply top many Federal agencies' topics Such as cybersecurity. NIST 800-171 dictates how Federal Agencies' contractors and sub-contractors ought to manage controlled unclassified Information (CUI). It is specifically designed for systems and organizations that are non-federal. NIST 800-171 commenced in the year 2010, and all federal agencies were directed to safeguard their CUI and come up with a unified policy for agencies pertaining to data sharing and transparency.
Steps to NIST 800-171 compliance
There are three NIST 800-171 compliance steps namely, environmental assessment, deficiency assessment, and result documentation.
Assessing the environment
To start with, you ought to know about the environment or environments that are subject to NIST 800-171 compliance. Researching or asking questions on whether a specific environment processes, stores, or transmits any controlled unclassified Information is imperative. While assessing this, you should have a look at the NIST 800-171 controls (Section 3).
Handling deficiencies
Once you are done with the assessment, it is important to clearly understand the controls that are satisfied and those that are not. You ought to come up with strategies on how to address issues on each control that was not satisfied. Whether this sounds as straightforward as creating as policy, or even as tough as redesigning a network, having a plan is crucial.
Result documentation
Throughout the assessment, you most likely will have been documenting your activity and coming up with remediation steps. At such a point, it is important to come up with a format and documentation format that is acceptable by the government. The government is very specific in regards to the things that ought to be presented, and you need to observe this. For further details read pricing.
As you document, there are two documents that you are required to produce. These are are a system security plan, as well as a plan of action.
A system security plan will include the executive summary, state boundaries, the operating environment details, and security implementation requirements that entails controls, description of the implementations, description or evidence. The final component of the system security plan is a description of how the environment interconnects with other systems.
Documentation is very important. If you know how the government operates, you definitely are aware that it will require you to get back and fix things if you deviate from its requirements even slightly. To make everything easier and avoid mistakes, do not hesitate getting NIST 800-171 compliance professional help. For more info click here!
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